

Soren once told Jean-Luc Picard that “Time is the fire that consumes us all…” I think it was in Star Trek – Generations. That quote has always stuck with me. A valuable reminder that we need to be mindful of how we spend, and invest, our time here.

With the start of September, comes the start of school here in Canada.  My granddaughter started Junior Kindergarten and several young acquaintances I came to know throughout their High School years have moved on to University.  It is about new chapters in peoples lives.  



Now take a moment to think of your favorite news website. A news site is an ideal example of when you’d expect content to be different from the last time you visited — after all, news just wouldn’t be news if it weren’t current. In the case of news sites, Posts are most often used to write articles.

When you publish a post within WordPress it knows to treat the post differently than the way it treats a page. For example, when you enable a blog within your BoldGrid theme, it will list all of your published posts in reverse chronological order on your Blog page.

Your BoldGrid site can contain both pages and posts, i.e. you may have an “About Author” page to compliment your weekly blog. When done well, utilizing pages and posts in this way can help you build a more engaging experience for your visitors.